Monday, May 2, 2011

Tired of trying.

This post has little to do with weight loss. Weight loss is going fine. Down 30 pounds. But who fucking cares at this point. Who has noticed? 1 or 2 people. And they said, "I can see it in your face." um yeah. cause my head weighed 40 fucking pounds

No, this blog is because I have had this ever increasing feeling in my gut like I may just have to lose it on some people. It feels like I don't fucking exist. I remember a time in my life where I actually had some friends. Now, no one. Fucking not one. I have people who "say" they are my friends. Do i get texts, phone calls, or anything?? nope. I try contacting people... and usually what I get is nothing, or if I do get any response it is something along the lines of "i will have to respond to you later". uh thanks.

I work 54 hours a week. I go to school. I raise children. I treat my husband like gold. I really truly honestly give a shit about a people, yet for some reason i get pushed aside so fast. I am tired of existing with nothing outside of the walls of my home. Id like a social life. Apparently, that is too much to ask.

No one reads this blog, such is everything that happens in my life right now. I feel like having a complete meltdown, like i have to get this out. so i put it in a place that is never looked at..

smart one dawn.

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